10 Things You Need to Know about Mānuka Honey (before you buy)
• 10 march 2019
• Posted by www.honeyandthebee.co.nz
UMF Mānuka honey is an exclusive New Zealand product, revered and enjoyed all over the world (high profile celebrities included).
We know it for the sweet, rich flavour.
But it’s so, so much more than that.
UMF Mānuka has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it supports the gut and the immune system, and it can also remedy oral diseases.
There’s good reason why UMF Mānuka honey has been a tried-and-true remedy for many ailments for centuries! We would be unwise not to follow the ways of those before us and use UMF Mānuka honey as far more than a treat.
Before you buy UMF Mānuka honey, there are a few things you ought to know, so you can make the very best use of our favorite natural remedy.
It’s anti-bacterial
UMF Mānuka honey has antibacterial properties thanks to the Methylglyoxal (MG) Leptosperin, Hydroxymethylfurfural and hydrogen peroxide it contains.
UMF Mānuka honey has been proven time and again to be a powerful weapon against illness-causing bacteria. Not only does it kill bugs (including super bugs), but it provides moisture and nourishment for skin and body
This is why honey has been used as a treatment for wounds and illness for centuries.
But what does this mean for you on a daily basis?
You can use your UMF Mānuka honey as a topical treatment for keeping acne, burns and wounds clean and lubricated.
Dab a UMF Mānuka honey and tea tree formula onto stubborn pimples.
Rub UMF Mānuka honey on to cuts and at the outset of a skin infection (go to the doctor too, of course!).
You can also use UMF Mānuka honey to help kill mouth and throat infections.
It’s a Humectant
One thing many of us are very familiar with (especially during Winter and especially past a certain age) is dry skin.
Dehydrated, dull skin is uncomfortable and makes us look older than our years. To treat this, we need to use skincare ingredients which lock moisture into the skin and keep it there.
UMF Mānuka honey is a humectant which means it attracts much-needed moisture to the skin. If you have very chapped lips, hands or heels you can combine UMF Mānuka honey with nourishing oils (avocado or jojoba are great choices) to create a potent, homemade remedy , Skin care ranges are also very popular thanks to their use of the sweet stuff combined with other skin-friendly natural ingredients.
You could easily make your own night cream by combining high-quality UMF Mānuka honey with a plain, fragrance-free face cream and rubbing it into the face, hands, and anywhere else suffering from dryness.
It’s an Anti-Inflammatory
Honey has anti-inflammatory properties which have been harnessed by humans for centuries.
Inflammation is the body’s response to injury or irritation. It’s designed to help the body to repair and heal, which is generally a good thing! However, chronic inflammation can happen when certain irritants or health issues are constantly triggering the inflammation process.
This isn’t so good, as it can cause long-lasting damage to the cells over time. When it comes to inflammation of the skin, UMF Mānuka honey is a fantastic remedy.
Chronic inflammation of the skin can be the result of many causes such as irritating products, infections (such as cellulitis), or skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.
When you apply UMF Mānuka honey to inflamed skin, it can reduce the redness, swelling and pain while remaining very gentle.
The moisturizing and antibacterial properties work with the anti-inflammatory properties to cleanse, protect and soothe irritated or wounded skin. If you’re experiencing an outbreak of irritated skin, try rubbing a dab of UMF Mānuka honey into the affected area to see if it helps.
It can Support Healthy Teeth and Gums
It seems a little weird to think of something so sweet as being healthy for your teeth. But studies have shown that the antimicrobial properties of UMF Mānuka honey can fight against oral conditions such as gingivitis.
UMF Mānuka honey can even help to reduce the amount of plaque build-up on the teeth, which helps to reduce tooth decay.
Keeping the gums and teeth healthy can actually help you to enjoy a healthy heart, as strange as it may sound at first!
While keeping a healthy mouth won’t directly prevent heart disease, prolonged oral disease can increase your chances of developing heart disease. If you are suffering from gum disease such as gingivitis, talk to your dentist or doctor about using Mānuka honey as a natural remedy.
Studies have shown that by rubbing Mānuka honey on damaged gum tissue, the nasty bugs are killed and the cells are stimulated to begin healing and repairing.
Pretty impressive, right?
It Supports Healthy Digestion
Digestive issues are shockingly common in our busy, stressful modern society. Many people experience ongoing tummy issues and are constantly trying to find solutions to ease the pain.
Well, it turns out that UMF Mānuka honey can help.
UMF Mānuka honey has special enzymes which enter the gut and help to break down and digest food efficiently. What’s more, honey is a prebiotic which means it provides food for those healthy, helpful bacteria we have living in our gut.
Because UMF Mānuka honey contains methylglyoxal (a powerful anti-microbial) it can help to kill harmful bugs in the gut and prevent gastro illnesses.
Add UMF Mānuka honey to smoothies, tea, spread on rice crackers or simply make a habit of taking a teaspoon each morning before breakfast. You might just find that your stomach issues begin to improve, (with proper medical advice and procedure of course).
It can Give you a Shot of Energy
When the 4 o’clock slump rolls around and you feel like quitting for the day, have a spoonful of UMF Mānuka honey instead ,it can provide you with a hit of energy to keep you alert and ready to tackle the day.
Honey contains healthy carbohydrates, natural sugars and a raft of nutrients to support energy levels. It’s known that some athletes choose honey to fuel their workouts or training sessions.
If you’re facing a heavy gym workout, pop a spoonful of honey into your water bottle or eat it straight. It’s a far healthier option than turning to sweet treats, energy drinks or even a chemical-laden pre-workout drink.
It can help Soothe Cuts and Scrapes
The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties of UMF Mānuka honey penetrate the wound and help to accelerate healing. It has been proven that UMF Mānuka honey actually encourages cells to start the healing process quickly and effectively, while providing gentleness and very little possible side effects.
By killing bugs and preventing them from spreading, honey stops wounds from becoming infected. It’s also known that the moisturizing properties of UMF Mānuka honey helps wounds to heal more quickly and without scarring.
Instead of using a sting-inducing, alcohol-based solution to treat your cuts, scrapes and burns, use a high-quality UMF Mānuka honey first.
It can Boost Immunity
There’s a reason why people suck on lemon and honey lozenges during colds and flus.
One reason is that the antibacterial properties of UMF Mānuka honey kills bugs in the throat and in the gut, accelerating the recovery process.
It’s also been proven to be pretty powerful at fighting sinus infections, music to the ears of anyone who suffers from regular sinus issues.
This is because UMF Mānuka honey is fantastic at killing the specific bacteria which causes sinus infections.
UMF Mānuka honey contains a special compound which increases the production of a chemical messenger called cytokine which sparks the production of cell which support the immune system.
There's a Quality Rating (so choose carefully)
Not all Mānuka honey is created equal!
There are some pretty stringent and scientific testing processes which indicate the potency of Mānuka honey.
The most common rating system is the UMF system, which stands for Unique Mānuka Factor. It all relates back to the amount of antibacterial components in the honey (methylglyoxal ,leptosperin and Hydroxymethylfurfural ).
There has to be a certain amount of these components in order for Mānuka honey to be classified and marketed as UMF Mānuka honey. The higher the UMF rating, the more powerful the antibacterial abilities of the honey.
For treating serious or ongoing external or internal issues try a very high UMF Mānuka honey such as
UMF 28+ (currently the strongest on the available )
For treating wounds and skin issues, look for a high UMF Mānuka honey such as a
For general everyday edible use for simply enjoying the flavour, you can use a UMF Mānuka honey with a lower UMF rating such as a
It's Incredibly Versatile
You should keep one in the pantry for edible purposes (low UMF), another in your bathroom to use for skincare and another in the first-aid kit to use for infections, wounds and scrapes (high UMF).
It’s no secret that good quality UMF Mānuka honey is an expensive product. However, the versatility and healing ability of UMF Mānuka honey justifies the price especially if you don’t like to use other more chemical-laden remedies.
For a full range of UMF Mānuka honey ,artisan honey flavours and bee related health products drop into our store next time you are in Fairlie, New Zealand.
Or visit our full online store www.honeyandthebee.co.nz