Quality Manuka honey, like other raw honey, is a gift from Mother nature. With a rich history, this honey has reason to be celebrated.

Along with hydrogen peroxide, UMF Manuka honey contains Methylglyoxal (MGO),Leptosperin and dihydroxyacetone, three naturally occurring chemical substances with high antimicrobial action, and perhaps other bioactive compounds that give it additional potency. These chemicals are more stable than hydrogen peroxide which is  easily neutralised by heat, moisture and enzymatic action. UMF Manuka honey is actually graded according to its non-peroxide antibacterial potency, referred to as Unique Manuka Factor (UMF).

Although the medical fraternity has been slow to recognize the healing capacity of UMF manuka honey, it has slowly gained acceptance in the treatment of wounds and burns. Eventually, in 2007, FDA, NHS and German medical system approved its use in medicated bandages named Medihoney.



How to Choose the Best Manuka Honey

The UMF rating of Manuka honey varies from batch to batch and from one season to another.The potency of the UMF Manuka honey is derived from the strength of the plant it comes from rather than any thing specific the bees do to it. UMF Manuka honey is graded from UMF 0-30, based on laboratory tests that compare its antimicrobial action to different concentrations of phenol. For example, manuka honey with UMF 10 is equivalent to the antibacterial action of 10% phenol, and UMF 15 to 15% phenol……

Manuka honey is very expensive because of its rarity and medicinal properties. Usually anything below UMF 5 does not justify paying a premium for it since it is only as good as any other type of natural honey. UMF 5-10+  provides some additional benefits and would be sufficient for maintaining general health and vitality, but if you are intending to take advantage of the therapeutic effects of manuka honey, you should go for UMF 15+ or, if possible, UMF 20+.

Try this Premium UMF 15+ Manuka Honey


The Best Manuka Honey

Manuka south UMF 20+



Pure New Zealand UMF 20+ Manuka honey

Manuka south UMF 24+

Premium  New Zealand UMF 24+ Manuka honey








The Incredible Health Benefits of Manuka Honey:


1. UMF Manuka honey is an excellent nutritional supplement

UMF Manuka Honey is naturally rich in fructose and many other reducing sugars, amino acids, enzymes and B-complex vitamins, particularly thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), and B6. Amino acids in honey are mainly proline, tyrosine, lysine, and phenylalanine with valine, arginine, histidine and glutamic acid in lesser amounts. The nutritional value of honey is some what dependent on its mineral content which includes calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and manganese in various amounts.

The mineral content of honey is usually tested by measuring its electrical conductivity; the higher the conductivity, the higher the mineral content. UMF Manuka honey generally has four times the conductivity of regular honey, proving to be much superior in mineral content. Those with UMF 10+  or lower could still be an excellent nutritional supplement on account of this.


2. UMF Manuka honey relieves gastritis

Gastritis ( the inflammation of the stomach lining) can be caused by bacterial infections, bile reflux, the use of aspirin and similar non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or excessive alcohol consumption. Gastritis  can cause stomach pain and discomfort, bloating, vomiting, indigestion and heartburn. If Left untreated it can result in severe blood loss, and in some cases, stomach cancer.

Honey is commonly used for gastritis, but UMF Manuka honey with its high antimicrobial activity is far more beneficial. It has been found to be effective against Helicobacter pylori (which modern anti-biotics can struggle to combat) the bacteria most commonly seen in the highly acidic environment of the stomach. This bacterium is implicated in most cases of stomach ulcers that develop into cancer.

According to a report published in 1994 in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Manuka honey had been found to be potent against 7 different Helicobacter pylori strains, but a similar effect was not observed with other types of honey. It could be because the stomach enzymes deactivated the hydrogen peroxide in the honey, but not the Methylglyoxal in manuka honey.


3. Prevents and repairs damage to the colon

UMF Manuka honey has been found to be effective in preventing colonic inflammation and assisting the repair of colon lining damaged due to chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Although the symptoms of IBD such as stomach pain and cramps are similar to those of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), the two are different in many aspects.

Although we do not condone animal testing, In laboratory experiments conducted on rats with chemically induced colonic damage, oral administration of manuka honey was found to not only reduce the inflammation, but protect against structural damage too.


4. Boosts immunity

People who have used UMF manuka honey regularly for its health benefits report increased resistance to diseases. The high nutritional value of the honey, along with the presence of a wide range of vitamins and minerals is partly responsible, but it is mainly attributed to the immune-boosting capacity of UMF manuka honey. Tests have shown that it contains certain substances that can stimulate cytokine production.

Cytokines are signal proteins involved in immune reactions by the body. They kickstart the defense mechanisms of the body to help it fight off pathogens and diseases. Increased cytokine production is the mechanics behind UMF manuka honey’s protective action against potential infections and diseases.


5. Common Cold and Flu

Taking UMF manuka honey regularly during the flu season may help protect you against catching a bug. Colds and flu are highly contagious infections caused by viruses. They are seasonal since the microbes proliferate only when atmospheric conditions are just right.

Taking one teaspoon of  umf manuka honey 2-3 times a day may help you get through the cold and flu season without incident, thanks to its immune-boosting action.






6. Cough remedy

Honey is a traditional cough remedy often taken with or without lemon juice.  Its anti inflammatory effect soothes the lining of the throat and decreases discomfort and irritation. UMF Manuka honey is even more effective because of its higher antimicrobial action, thanks to the presence of Methylglyoxal and other bioactive compounds besides the hydrogen peroxide found in other honeys.

Cough lozenges containing manuka honey and propolis are available, but you can get a similar benefit by taking 1 to 2 teaspoons of raw Manuka honey with UMF 15+ or more and letting dissolve slowly in your mouth.


7. Tonsillitis

UMF Manuka honey can be an effective remedy for tonsillitis, which is a painful inflammation of the tonsils found on either side of the throat. The lymph tissue that makes up the tonsils is part of our immune system and produces white blood cells that fight off pathogenic bacteria and viruses that try to enter the body through the mouth. In the process, the tonsils themselves become infected and inflamed. A sore throat, difficulty in swallowing food and fever are common symptoms.

Tonsillitis is often treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen. In case of severe, recurring tonsillitis, tonsils may be surgically removed. However, safe, natural remedies like UMF manuka honey should be tried instead of surgical removal or antibiotic treatments that are potentially harmful.

Taking one teaspoonful of quality UMF manuka honey 3-4 times a day brings down the infection and inflammation whether it is caused by bacteria or virus. It acts by directly destroying the pathogens with its antimicrobial substances as well as stimulating body’s own defense system.


8. Chronic Sinusitis

UMF Manuka honey is a blessing to people suffering from chronic sinusitis that takes several weeks to resolve, even with the use of antibiotics. The reason is that, the microbes that cause the infection of the warm, moist sinus chambers often make a biofilm with a polysaccharide matrix that prevents antibiotics from reaching the target.

UMF Manuka Honey has a drying effect on the mucosal lining, which helps bring down sinus congestion. Its ability to draw out water helps it to destroy the bacterial biofilms. UMF Manuka honey, in particular, can act against virulent bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa that are the common pathogens found in sinus infections. The Methylglyoxal (MGO) in this honey should be responsible for this effect.


9. Improves dental health

It may be counterintuitive to think that something as sweet as honey would have any part in promoting dental health. But there’s proof that UMF manuka honey and propolis can help improve dental health and fight dental plaque.

The high mineral content of the manuka honey, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc, in particular, help build strong teeth that resist tooth decay. Besides that, eating UMF manuka honey and chewing the propolis resulted in a 35% reduction in plaque formation, according to a study conducted by the School of Dentistry, at the University of Otago in New Zealand.

Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and the periodontal disease called pyorrhea that results from severe gum infection and decay can be prevented or controlled with UMF  manuka honey. Use it regularly to combat bad breath too.


10. UMF Manuka honey as facial mask

Manuka honey makes an excellent facial cleanser and toner. The hygroscopic nature of honey draws out the dirt and grime trapped in the hair follicles and helps the free flow of natural oils in the skin.

UMF Manuka honey has a pH around 4.5 which helps lower the skin pH, keeping it optimally acidic. Alkalinity makes the skin dry and prone to eczema and other skin disorders. The  antibacterial and antifungal action of UMF manuka honey help to control the microbial overload in the skin pores and prevents acne.


Honey face mask,  New Zealand UMF Manuka




11. UMF Manuka honey helps resolve rosacea

Rosacea is a skin disorder characterized by enlarged skin pores which often become red and inflamed. It is accompanied by soreness, scarring, and disfigurement of nose, cheeks and chin. Although this condition is considered incurable, treatment with Manuka honey has shown great promise, almost completely restoring the natural skin texture in many cases.

The cleansing action of manuka honey helps clear out the pores while it tightens the skin and reduces pore size. While its anti-inflammatory action brings down redness and soreness, its antibacterial and antifungal properties help control microorganisms that complicate rosacea. Use manuka honey of UMF15- 20+, but test for skin sensitivity before applying it on the face.



12. UMF Manuka honey for eczema and hives

Many skin conditions such as eczema and hives result from allergies and autoimmune problems. Characterized by extreme skin dryness and scaling, eczema can be irritated by scratching, which can result in the skin peeling and starting to ooze. It can be further complicated by secondary infections by opportunistic bacteria and fungi.

Manuka honey can be used to prevent complications. A mixture of Manuka honey, Manuka oil and beeswax can be used as a moisturizing shield on the skin and keep it intact. It helps hydrate the skin and protect against infections.




13. Heals cuts and burns faster

Honey has long been used for treating cuts and burns, but UMF Manuka honey is exceptionally good for this due to its higher antimicrobial effect.

On contact with water and body fluids, the hydrogen peroxide reacts by releasing oxygen and disinfecting the wound. Its hygroscopic nature draws out water and pus from the wounds, making it impossible for microbes to survive.

UMF Manuka honey has an additional action, thanks to the Methylglyoxal. It is effective against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Vancomycin- resistant Enterococci. Besides the direct action on pathogens, it also triggers cytokine production, accelerating body’s own defenses.


14. UMF Manuka honey for treating athlete’s foot and ringworm

UMF Manuka honey is effective against athlete’s foot and ringworm, two of the most common fungal infections of the skin. While the former usually appears in skin folds and areas that remain warm and moist, ringworm can occur anywhere.

Apply UMF Manuka honey to the affected area to relieve the itch and help clear the infection, thanks to the antifungal action of the honey.


15. To control dandruff and scalp problems

UMF Manuka honey can improve your scalp health and control problems like dandruff. Dandruff, whether it is oily or dry, is a result of scalp dryness and flaking of dead skin. Excess oil production by the scalp glands is actually an attempt to counteract scalp dryness, but it often results in other problems like scalp acne.

UMF Manuka Honey applied to the scalp draws out dirt and grime from the skin pores. It also draws in water from the atmosphere, keeping the skin hydrated. The antimicrobial properties work against bacteria as well as fungi such as Malassezia globosa and M. furfur that are implicated in dandruff and folliculitis.



16. Prevent frizz and split ends

The hygroscopic nature of UMF Manuka honey makes it act as a humectant when applied to the hair. It draws water from the surrounding air and locks it in, preventing the hair becoming dry and brittle. To get smooth, shiny hair without frizz, add a teaspoon of Manuka honey of UMF 5-10 to your regular conditioner. On rinsing the hair with the conditioner, your hair will become shiny and smooth as silk.


Ready to try Manuka honey for yourself?

As mentioned above chose the UMF rating of honey you would like for treating the condition you need to, Higher is always better as the healing properties of the honey go up dramatically with the UMF rating.

See the full range from UMF 5+ to UMF 24+

For best TAX FREE prices and fast, cheap international shipping



Caution: Manuka honey is considered safe for topical use except in those who have allergies to bee products. However, diabetics should consume it with caution. it can be safely consumed by adults and children above 1 year. Doctors warn against feeding any type of honey to infants because of the risk of botulism.